Who are Registered Builders?
Registered Builder/Remodeler is a professional membership granted to a builder who meets specific requirements including:
- providing each customer with a contract that shall be fair and equitable to both parties, along with a one-year limited warranty for structural defects.
- experience in the construction profession for a specified period of time.
- demonstrated financial and on-site responsibilities.
- being a full-time professional who derives his/her principal income from construction and/or related activities.
- submitting the names of previous customers as references.
- having an acceptable credit history.
- abiding by the Code of Ethics of the Builders Association of South Central Kentucky.
- participating in continuing education.
- agreeing to a conciliation process and/or binding arbitration in the event of an unresolved complaint from a customer concerning a structural defect.
All of these factors provide you with assurance that you are dealing with a professional who is dedicated to providing you with a quality home.

Find a Registered Builder
Search using either Company Name, Owner/Builder Name, or Company Address.
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Akins Construction Inc.
Contact: David Akins
Address: P.O. Box 2924
Franklin, KY 42135
Phone: (270) 586-6630
Cell/Mobile: (270) 776-5594
Email: david.akinsconstruction@gmail.com
Website: http://www.akins-construction.com
Bennie Jones Construction
Contact: Bennie Jones
Address: PO Box 51594
Bowling Green, KY 42102-5894
Phone: (270) 792-4757
Email: benniejones4757@gmail.com
Website: www.benniejonesconstruction.com
Brian Miller Contracting
Contact: Brian Miller
Address: 140 Franklin Rd.
Scottsville, KY 42164
Phone: (270) 622-1527
Email: brian@brianmillercontracting.com
Website: brianmillercontracting.com
Broadway Builders LLC
Contact: Reagan Young
Address: 873 Broadway Ave.
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Phone: (270) 799-2582
Email: rcyoung04@gmail.com
Brown & Brown Construction LLC
Contact: Marcus Brown
Address: PO Box 84
Greenville, KY 42345
Phone: (270) 338-3521
Email: brownandbrown1@gmail.com
Burk Construction, LLC
Contact: Paxx Burk
Address: 5945 Bowling Green Rd.
Franklin, KY 42134
Phone: 270-586-3978
Email: burkconstruction@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.burkconstruction.com
Caudill Design & Construction
Contact: Mark Caudill
Address: 174 Stone Bluff Lane
Alvaton, KY 42122
Phone: (270) 202-4368
Email: caudconst@gmail.com
Chris Collins Construction
Contact: Chris Collins
Address: 470 Browning Rd.
Auburn, KY 42206
Phone: (270) 772-1356
Email: ccollins@logantele.com
Contracting Unlimited, Inc.
Contact: Bob Dillard, Jr.
Address: 1043 Pedigo Way, Ste. 38
Bowling Green, KY 42103
Phone: 270-796-7965
Email: BobDillard7965@gmail.com
D & D Builders dba D & D Contracting Group Inc.
Contact: Drew Pinerola
Address: 712 Highland Way
Bowling Green, KY 42104
Phone: (270) 779-1283
Email: drewpinerola@gmail.com
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BASCKY Member Benefits
Cornerstone Partners

We’re building more than homes.
We’re building a better community.
Over the last few years, our members have given approximately $250,000 to local charitable organizations. Additionally, we fund an annual WKU Scholarship to a deserving student. Our members are involved in the community and will continue to work together to build a better, stronger community for the health and safety of our families.