Location & Directions


859 Lovers Lane
Bowling Green, KY 42103

Directions from I-65 North

  1. Take exit 26 (KY 234).
  2. Take right on KY 234 (Cemetery Road).
  3. Continue approx. .3 miles.
  4. Turn left on KY-880 (Lover's Lane).
  5. Go approximately 2 miles, BASCKY on right.

Directions from I-65 South

  1. Take exit 22 (KY 231).
  2. Take left on US-231 N (Scottsville Road).
  3. Continue approx. 1.6 miles.
  4. Turn right on KY 880 (Lover's Lane).
  5. Go approx .8 miles, BASCKY on left.

Message BASCKY

BASCKY Member Benefits

  • Three Memberships in One

    By joining the local, you are automatically a member of the state and national associations making you a part of over 197,000 member companies who collectively employ over eight million Americans. Together, we are building a better community.

  • Industry Updates and Information

    Receive newsletters, product updates and trends, and economic forecasting & data.

  • Protection from Excessive Regulations

    Powerful representation to defend you against excessive regulations locally, statewide and nationally. Opportunities for you to have your voice heard by your local elected officials, governmental workers and Legislators.

  • Promote Your Business to Homeowners

    Members have access to our consumer-focused website, printed membership directory, annual Parade of Homes and Home Expo—the only local home show, as well as active participation in other community groups to promote members.

  • Member Discounts

    Members enjoy discounts on Workers Comp, Liability, Health, and Life insurance; free, expert legal consultation; $500 saving on GM vehicle purchase; Speedway/Marathon fleet discounts; discount FedEx; sample forms;  hotel discounts, and many others.

  • Education

    Receive education from a certified graduate builder & remodeler, and a certified aging-in-place specialist; as well as lead RRP certified, code updates, certified green professional & many more.

Cornerstone Partners

We’re building more than homes.
We’re building a better community.

Over the last few years, our members have given approximately $250,000 to local charitable organizations. Additionally, we fund an annual WKU Scholarship to a deserving student. Our members are involved in the community and will continue to work together to build a better, stronger community for the health and safety of our families.