Who are Associate Members?
Behind every home is a remarkable team of industry-related professionals — designers, decorators, financial services, insurance and title services, attorneys, accountants, real estate agents, electricians, carpenters, architects, painters, utility workers and many, many more. These vital partners to homeownership are Associate members of the Builders Association of South Central Kentucky. They work in partnership with Registered Builders to help assure you a quality experience. Associate membership is available to any person engaged in a trade, industry or profession directly related to housing and who subscribes to our Code of Ethics and is of good character. Their professional services, marketing and management expertise, product knowledge and craftsmanship strengthen today’s building industry. Associates play a critical role in providing all the necessary materials and services to build a home and thereby build communities.

Find an Associate Member
Search using either Company Name, Owner/Builder Name, or Company Address.
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Wright Implement
Contact: Michael Aubrey
Address: 1330 Plano Rd.
Bowling Green, KY 42104
Phone: (270) 781-4747
Email: maubrey@wrightimp.com
Website: http://www.wrightimp.com
Wrought Iron Concepts
Contact: James Chaney
Address: 1521 S. McElwain Rd.
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Phone: 270-792-4392
Xpertise Certified Training
Contact: Don Daub
Address: 14407 Twin Creek Ct.
Louisville, KY 40241
Phone: (502) 387-3994
Cell/Mobile: (502) 387-3994
Email: don@xpertisellc.com
Website: dondaub.com
Yogi Construction Inc.
Contact: Ralpesh Patel
Address: 2200 Stonehenge Ave.
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Phone: (270)599-0817
Email: rapelshpatel@gmail.com
Young & Furlong Welding Serv., Inc.
Contact: Clifton Perkins
Address: 640 Reynolds Rd.
Glasgow, KY 42141
Phone: 270-651-3890
Email: youngandfurlongwelding@gmail.com
Youngs Electric Heating & Cooling Inc.
Contact: Jeff Young
Address: 4047 Mount Union Road
Telephone: (270) 622-4412
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BASCKY Member Benefits
Cornerstone Partners

We’re building more than homes.
We’re building a better community.
Over the last few years, our members have given approximately $250,000 to local charitable organizations. Additionally, we fund an annual WKU Scholarship to a deserving student. Our members are involved in the community and will continue to work together to build a better, stronger community for the health and safety of our families.